
The nature and wildlife of UK postcode area G78

Pink Purslane (Claytonia sibirica)

I found these little pink chappies on woodland near to a disused industrial site across the Levern Burn from the bottom of Cogan Street in Barrhead. I’m thinking perhaps Pink Purslane (Claytonia sibirica). If so, this isn’t actually on the Postcode Plants Database for G78. One to add to the list.

If you want to see it for yourself its approximately at map co-ordinate NS494588, or in plain language, head right down Cogan Street in Barrhead until you come to the little bridge that crosses the Levern Burn. Once you cross the bridge turn left. Keep on until the path turns to the right. Follow it in that direction. Be careful, though. There’s usually a lot of mud and debris. Eventually you’ll come to a junction. The specimen shown in the photo is round about there.

Distinguishing feature are these oval, sessile, opposite leaves. The stem looks like it can barely squeeze up between the pairs of leaves, their bases are so close together. The flowers have five petals.

Date photographed – Thursday 23rd May 2013. Slightly chilly day for the month of May. Bursts of sunshine, interspersed with rain and even a hint of hail.



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